Refund and Withdrawal Policy

Wallet Top Up
Dikkha uses payment gateway service from SSL and external transaction for wallet top up is guided by the terms and condition of their policy. TDR amount by default will be taken care by the payment gateway vendor during top up of the wallet , so that net required amount will be available user wallet in Dikkha.

Refund from Wallet
Any refund request from the customer will be followed by SSLCommerz refund policy.

Withdrawal of fund
User will be able to withdraw their available withdrawable amount from their wallet if his/her page subscription is valid. We will check the amount for any dispute or any hold amount, and will transfer the requested amount for which teacher is illegible through different process , preferably through BEFTN.

For the purpose of withdrawal, all users need to maintain a local bank account with detail in the their profile, declaring that as active account and online transfer to that account is possible.

Alternatively withdrawal can be arrange other e-wallet like ‘Bkash’ , for which disbursement form merchant policy will be applicable.

Teachers will be required to make payment for classrooms from the wallet to get all the services of Dikkha platform.